The Bloomingdale PTA helped support our beloved Walter T. Bergen school nurse, Mrs. Janine Citer.
Mrs. Citer and her husband, Dave, were in a terrible car accident on November 13th on their way home from vacation. They were in a trauma center in Houston, Texas, for a week due to their injuries and the need for several emergency surgeries. Through much coordination between the airline and medical transport, they were brought home on November 18th; however, at this time, they could not care for themselves. A family member is staying at their home to care for them, along with support from family and friends.
Mrs. Citer does a fantastic job caring for our children daily; now it's our turn.
Please keep the prayers coming, as they have a long road ahead.
UPDATE: On December 12, the PTA delivered a gift basket and $2,000 in gift cards to Mrs. Citer and her husband. They were both extremely surprised and grateful for all the support.

Thank you to all of those who donated to the Support for Mrs. Citer Fund.